Thanks for Fredrick Liu 劉人豪 catching these wonderful moments!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
John Maloney ("The Island of the Dreams" director) written before the show
The art of the theatre is about people coming together to explore life and the questions of living. For theatre to happen, people must come together. First the artists come together to prepare, then the audience is invited to join and witness what has been created. Most modern theatre is written by a single author, then interpreted and performed by a group of actors and a director. Recently, particularly in the United States and other western countries, there has been a growing number of theatre artists who choose to collaboratively create theatre performances as a group. The artists begin by choosing a “theme”, or an “idea”, and then come together for a workshop to create characters and scenes that they finally develop together into a script. Most of the work is done together as a group. In the beginning there are many discussions and writing sessions – but usually, as time goes by, more and more of the work happens “on your feet”. However, there are no clear rules for how the show will develop. Everyone has to be part of the process of creation, and each person contributes in many ways: writing scenes, staging, creating characters, ideas for sound, scenery, costumes, etc. One reason for working this way is to try to bring multiple artistic perspectives into the work, so that the themes of the script are explored in a more complex manner than if a single author wrote it. Another reason is that when the characters and story are created by the actors who play the roles, they have a deeper connection with the roles and a feeling of ownership for the story. In this type of work, and actors cannot wait to be told what to do – they have to be active creators. And, the director’s job is less about telling actors what to do, but rather, more about listening to them and watching them and helping them to make stronger choices. I have worked on the development of many ensemble-created performances, and the process has never been the same. Each time, the play has developed differently and unexpectedly. It can be very frightening to begin the process, because you have no idea where you will go. There are no guarantees that the play will be great, or even good. You have to keep asking yourself, “what is this show?” It is a very risky way of working – but it is also very rewarding when it works well. Fortunately, there is always a point in the process when you start to “discover” the play: when you start to understand what it is about, and where it might be going. That is when it gets very exciting, because, once there is a clear focus for the direction of the show, the group really starts to come together and work as a strong creative ensemble. In my opinion, being part of this type of ensemble is one of the greatest things that can happen in the art of the theatre.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
“Flower Buds 二月少年“ DVD發行
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
"The Island of the Dreams 夢之島“
同黨劇團 國際交流計畫作品 《夢之島》
「愛莉絲夢遊仙境」現代拼貼版。一座必須橫越的沒有欄杆的天橋、一個可以借夢的圖書館、一本讓回憶出現的沒有文字的童話;一個在垃圾桶拾夢的老婦、一個幫病人吃藥的醫生、還有無法分離的三胞胎餐廳服務生。在荒謬、怪誕與奇想的旅程中,我們試圖在夢中尋找真實的自己,也試圖在真實的世界尋找我們的夢。《夢之島》結合美國導演John Maloney、編劇高俊耀與邱安忱、洪珮菁、陳佳穗、阿思、方岫嵐、李育芳、姜富琴、陳家逵、王珂瑤、原承伯等十名精彩劇場演員,一同跨越夢境與真實的 迷幻邊界。
導演︰John Maloney
翻譯人員:顏若涵、Ann Chang、林步昇、俞橙、司徒嘉怡
售票︰兩廳院售票系統 02-3393-9888
演出地點︰台北市牯嶺街小劇場 (牯嶺街5巷2號)
演出時間︰100年9月30日(五) -10月2日(日) 7:30 PM
10月1日(六) -10月2日(日) 2:30 PM
票價︰ 600元 (學生九折,團體票購買10 張(含)以上8折優待)
購票洽詢︰0911266420 邱先生
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
"Handcuff 手銬" 首映會
中國文化大學 推廣教育部(台北市建國南路二段231號) B1F 表演廳 6/4 首映會
"Handcuff 手銬"
製作_[羊皮狼] 工作室
Sunday, March 20, 2011
"Flower Buds 二月少年“
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